32bit Snow Leopard libc++11 dylibs

Riccardo Mottola riccardo.mottola at libero.it
Wed Jun 26 08:32:47 UTC 2024

Hi Steven,

Steven via macports-users wrote:
> Ok, thanks, but I am not inclined/too busy to learn macports. My app 
> is cross platform, and supporting Mac is way too time consuming and 
> hard already. (I already have three macs with 4 different OSX on them!).

if your App is open source and of general interest, a port in MacPorts 
would be a good way to distribute things - so that different versions of 
Macs are handled better.
People actively using old systems like 10.6 or 10.9 are most probably 
using MacPorts anyway, since it is the best way to have current stuff 
with "Legacy Support". I am one of them :)


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