where is the MacPorts gcc?

Eric Gallager egall at gwmail.gwu.edu
Sat May 4 07:06:14 UTC 2024

`ar` and `nm` are wrappers around the corresponding tools from
binutils/cctools; GCC wraps them for use in its LTO system, I'm pretty
sure. You probably want to do `port select gcc` and then choose one of
the options available to symlink gcc into place without its suffix. If
it's dyld giving you your error, though, switching compilers probably
won't help, but I guess you can always try anyways...

On Sat, May 4, 2024 at 12:12 AM Kenneth Wolcott
<kennethwolcott at gmail.com> wrote:
> I want to compile some C code using gcc to compare against clang.
> This code I want to compile needs gsl/gsl_vector.h so I used -lgsl to
> compile with clang and it complained at runtime: "dyld[16321]: missing
> symbol called".
> what are "ar" and "nm" in the following?
> I think "mp" means multiple precision...
> find /opt/local/bin -type f -print | grep gcc | grep -v ranlib
> /opt/local/bin/arm64-apple-darwin23-gcc-ar-mp-13
> /opt/local/bin/gcc-mp-12
> /opt/local/bin/arm64-apple-darwin23-gcc-ar-mp-12
> /opt/local/bin/gcc-mp-13
> /opt/local/bin/arm64-apple-darwin23-gcc-13.2.0
> /opt/local/bin/gcc-nm-mp-13
> /opt/local/bin/gcc-nm-mp-12
> /opt/local/bin/arm64-apple-darwin23-gcc-mp-12
> /opt/local/bin/arm64-apple-darwin23-gcc-mp-13
> /opt/local/bin/arm64-apple-darwin23-gcc-nm-mp-12
> /opt/local/bin/arm64-apple-darwin23-gcc-nm-mp-13
> /opt/local/bin/gcc-ar-mp-12
> /opt/local/bin/gcc-ar-mp-13
> /opt/local/bin/arm64-apple-darwin23-gcc-12.3.0
> Thanks,
> Ken Wolcott

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