XV and GV hanging

Chris Jones jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
Thu Sep 5 07:57:36 UTC 2024

Sounds like you have an issue with your X11 server, as these 
applications are perhaps hanging at the point they are waiting for it to 
start up.

1. Does it automatically start if you run a very basic X11 application, 
like xeyes ?

  > sudo port install xeyes
  > xeyes

If that does not trigger the X11 server to start, then the issue is with 

2. can you manually start the X11 server instead of relying on the 
automatic startup via the DISPLAY socket ?


On 04/09/2024 10:50 pm, Dave Horsfall wrote:
> 13" mid-2010 MacBook Pro, running High Sierra 10.13.6.
> Did a graphics library change recently, and broke something?  Both XV and
> GV are now hanging on startup, with no output; I don't know where to start
> with this.
> Hmmm...  GIMP is also hanging?  My needs are simple: I am trying to print
> a PS file produced by "man -t" on another box.
> Thanks.
> -- Dave

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