1.7.0 release candidate 1 available for testing

J.A. Neitzel mp+d at v6shell.org
Sun Dec 7 10:17:00 PST 2008

> I've created a tag for the first release candidate for 1.7.0 [1]; most of
> the changes from beta1 involve the script which updates sources.conf to
> include a [default] tag for the default MacPorts repository.


Except for the previously mentioned ./configure warning and the
following version number hiccup from selfupdate:

	MacPorts base version 1.700 installed
	DEBUG: Rebuilding and reinstalling MacPorts if needed
	Downloaded MacPorts base version 1.600

1.7.0 release candidate 1 is performing as expected for me so far.
J.A. Neitzel
V6 Thompson Shell Port - http://v6shell.org/

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