how to commit ...

John Owens john_owens at
Fri Feb 1 16:11:11 PST 2008

Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at ...> writes:

+ + Is there any way to do this without having
+ +   to check out a working copy (I'd rather just
+ +   change a Portfile and the Portindex locally,
+ +   check it works, and then check in the Portfile
+ +   back into trunk)?
+ You don't need to do anything to the portindex. You just need to  
+ modify the portfile, test, and when you're sure it works, commit it.  
+ You do need a working copy to commit changes to files. Personally I  
+ just changed my dports tree from an rsync update to a subversion  
+ working copy and use that. Yes, you will be checking in to trunk/ 
+ dports. (The dports don't live anywhere except in trunk, and really  
+ they belong outside of trunk, but rearranging that at this point is  
+ complicated and nobody has felt it worth the effort yet, though jmpp  
+ did bring it up at one point.)

First, can you expand on *exactly* what you do here (rsync->svn),
and second, does anyone have any other methods? Good to collect
methods that work. :)


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