Looking for a portfile review before submitting (rbldnsd)

Jeremy Lavergne jeremy at lavergne.gotdns.org
Wed Jun 10 18:07:46 PDT 2009

On Jun 10, 2009, at 8:49 PM, Scott Haneda wrote:

> 1) How do I decide the category, can someone show me a list, and  
> suggest the correct one for this?  I see bind9 is in "net", perhaps  
> this should also be in "net"?

Yes, this would make sense to be in net and then sysutils

> 2) Do I really need the extract.suffix?  I lean on simpler being  
> better.

See previous email on distfiles versus distname.

> 3) How do the permissions I chose look in the destroot phase?

Why is the program incapable of installing itself from --prefix=?

> 4) I want ahead and installed some notes and other misc files that  
> were in the download, should I even bother?  Is this the correct  
> location to put them?

Eh, echoing Blair's sentiments I don't think you should bother.

> 5) should I call this rbldnsd-server?  It is a server, it does not  
> include a launchd item due to the nature of how it is started being  
> so custom.

Bind9 is not considered a server so I don't feel this needs to be  
either.  There isn't a client component from which you need to  

> 6) If I wanted to include a sample zone file for this, where would  
> the best place be to store that, and what is the correct suggested  
> naming convention for the name of that sample file?   
> rbldnsd.zone.sample?

If it's an example, why not in ${prefix}/share/${name}/ or other  
typical Unix path (with prefix in front)?

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