The opendarwin .com debacle

Scott Haneda talklists at
Wed Oct 14 12:57:30 PDT 2009

I've grown to truly appreciate the MacPorts project. I'm not as  
involved as I'd like to be, but my list of submitted ports is growing.

I honestly have no idea how a few of you put so much dedicated time  
into this project. Thanks is not ever going to be enough.

Two times now I've had someone tell me Fink was a better experience  
than Mac Ports to learn they had been to the .com site.

Whether Fink is good or not is not the point I really care about, both  
Fink and MacPorts are viable projects.

If two users were misinformed by the .com site, how many more are,  
have been, or will be?

It appears the owner has turned to the dark side. Without getting into  
too much of a cat and mouse game, what about some very basic counter  

He must be syncing the port tree from some machine on a schedule, why  
not block that machine?

There are plenty of links on the .com that point to official MacPorts  
pages. Can we do a basic referrer check for those requests, and send  
them to a page that shorty explains the situation, quickly gives them  
links to get to official, and provides a detail link to the more  
verbose explanation?

Isn't the site is violation of some aspect of some license of some  
form? If that is the case, make him release his source, or stop, or  
whatever we can find to make this go away.

Not that a lot of people use my DNS, but I'm tempted to add a zone for  
his .com to point to nowhere. It's technicaly a phishing or malware  
site, perhaps a mass effort to report the domain to the in built  
browser phishing and malware lists is in order?

Has anyone gone to the upstream ISP and explained this case? How many  
donations has he pilfered away from the team?

Maybe this is really low on the problem scale these days, if so,  
ignore it I guess, but if I've personally hit two people who were  
confused, this must be more widespread.

Anything I can do to help; I may not be able to patch as many ports as  
the next guy, but I can do gruntwork like this :)
Iphone says hello.

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