automake-1.13 (and 1.14 planning)

Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia jeremyhu at
Thu Jan 3 10:20:23 PST 2013

There seem to be more ports than I realized failing due to automake-1.13.  If you encounter build failure in a port due to automake-1.13, give this post-patch block a try:

post-patch {
        reinplace {s:AM_CONFIG_HEADER(\(.*\)):AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([\1]):} ${worksrcpath}/
        reinplace {/AM_PROG_CC_STDC/d} ${worksrcpath}/

Note that the backwards incompatibilities in 1.14 will be less trivial to fix, so if you see any warnings about INCLUDES, renaming to, or MKDIR_P, you should probably fix those now, so you don't get bit by 1.14.


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