Patch naming policy

Rainer Müller raimue at
Thu Oct 6 09:04:26 PDT 2016

On 2016-10-06 13:56, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> I don't care if we use *.diff or *.patch. Either is fine, but I would
> prefer if we would stick to one ending and try to be as consistent as
> we can be.

Some statistics on consistency:

$ find dports -name '*.diff' |wc -l
$ find dports -name '*.patch' |wc -l
$ find dports -name '*.diff' -exec basename {} \; |grep -c -v '^patch-'

Especially when maintainers use patches from 'git format-patch' they
often end up with *.patch.

> The "patch-" prefix is a bit redundant indeed, but then again I don't
> care that much. I would be OK with removal, but again I would like to
> keep it consistent in the future (at least for new commits/changes).

Of course a change to this policy does not mean we will rename all
patchfiles immediately. It would be a slow process phasing out the
patch-* prefix.

> But from what I remember the biggest concern was what to put
> *inbetween* those two. That's probably a more relevant question.

The guide still has the example of using filenames (as borrowed from
FreeBSD). It would be better to rewrite this section with an example
using a semantic name.


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