Q about a (new) portgroup file

Christopher Jones jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
Sun Jan 27 13:21:20 UTC 2019

> On 27 Jan 2019, at 12:17 pm, Eric F (iEFdev) <eric at iefdev.se> wrote:
> Thanks Chris,
> On 1/27/19 12:41 , Christopher Jones wrote:
>>> So, I'd like to ask… Where to put it?
>> The port group code lives in the same GitHub project as the ports. See
>> https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/tree/b7dbaee30cd63f197eb8d1b0db9090a5a5c948f4/_resources/port1.0/group <https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/tree/b7dbaee30cd63f197eb8d1b0db9090a5a5c948f4/_resources/port1.0/group>
>> New port groups should just be added there.
>> I would also say submissions of new groups should proceed as PR request just like port updates/submissions.
>> Chris
> Yes, so PR it is then?
> Since it more of a head start of the file (works, but I can't decide if it's ready to go), I was thinking that I maybe I should present it somewhere, incl my dummy Portfile, and add my notes - what's been done, and not been done, etc. But, I guess I could add them in a gist and make ref to that one perhaps?
> Ok, so if a PR - should I add a few labels to it maybe: needs more testing, draft, wip?

If you don’t think it is quite ready, but you want to start to get feedback, then that is exactly with WIP PRs are for. Just remember to start the title with ‘WIP” and also add the wip label to the PR.


> On 1/27/19 13:03 , Joshua Root wrote:
>> To expand on this, you can mark a PR as WIP until it's ready to merge,
>> and you can force push to the branch in your fork to update the commits
>> in the PR.
>> - Josh
> Ok, that answers my Q about that (above).
> So, I can leave my comments (in the file), for now?
> - - -
> // Well, I guess when I feel I don't know the full magic of portfiles, I thought it would be better (good practice) if someone hade a look/review at it, “pre-PR”. :)
> · Eric

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