Request for help in resolving issue in building ports locally

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed Mar 25 16:45:51 UTC 2020

On Mar 25, 2020, at 11:28, SAPTARSHI MUKHERJEE wrote:

> Thanks Sir, for the valuable information. It appears that the problem is in fact, that the port medusa has got outdated. I regret that I got digressed from the prime issue - Inability to build and test port in my local machine. (Error encountered on trying "sudo port test" inside the directory of the port) I've followed the guidelines in, but adding permissions using chmod didn't help (all necessary files seem to possess 777 permission). Any suggestions in this regard will immensely help.

Again, not seeing the log file means I have to guess about what's going on.

Is your local ports directory somewhere within your home directory? If so, what are the permissions of your home directory? The default permissions for home directories seem to be 755 which should be fine.

Is it within one of the standard directories inside the home directory, such as Desktop, Documents, Downloads, etc.? If so, what are the permissions of that standard directory? The default permissions of those standard directories seem to be 700 which do not allow other users (including the macports user) to see things in them.

In general, check the permissions of every directory from the one containing the Portfile all the way up to the root and make sure that they all allow other users to read their contents.

One solution for avoiding these problem is to move your local ports directory outside of your home directory.

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