variants question

Daniel J. Luke dluke at
Sun Jan 7 23:32:08 PST 2007

On Jan 8, 2007, at 12:54 AM, belinda thom wrote:
> Thanks for your careful answers. I've learned a lot.
> Its the tools there is an .el file (for emacs). But  
> nothing re: pythonbindings is there. I looked at debian's related  
> subversion tools to get a feel for what tools one might expect (the  
> macports src links for tools was great, btw), and there  
> pythonbindings was listed.
> W/macports, you have to install a separate port (subversion- 
> pythonbindings).
> In general, I am wondering what rubric macports folks use to decide  
> how to break up functionality...

It's mostly up to the port maintainer.

In the case of subversion-pythonbindings (and the other bindings  
ports) they started out life as port variants (and logically probably  
belong there, as the bindings-specific ports end up re-compiling a  
lot of subversion only to delete it and just install the bindings- 
specific parts). However, MacPorts aren't currently able to depend on  
other ports' variants, so if you want a port like 'svk' or 'trac' to  
work (and be able to automatically install its dependencies), the  
bindings need to be broken out into their own ports.
Daniel J. Luke
| *---------------- dluke at ----------------* |
| *-------------- -------------* |
|   Opinions expressed are mine and do not necessarily   |
|          reflect the opinions of my employer.          |

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