question about upgrading port (getting errors)

Jyrki Wahlstedt jwa at
Sat Jun 2 07:21:37 PDT 2007

On 2.6.2007, at 16.49, Evan Burrows wrote:

> Sorry,
> I am sure this has been asked before but I couldn't find an answer on
> google.  I currently had a php5 port that had the mysql4 variant  
> installed.
> I want to add support for mysql5 instead so i tried upgrading with  
> little
> luck.  I installed mysql5 fine and then deactivated mysql4 with no  
> problem.
> When I try to then install a new version of php5 using port install  
> php5
> +apache2 +mysql5 +pear I end up getting errors after waiting a very  
> long
> time for things to compile.  The typical error is:
> Error: Activating pcre 7.1_1 failed: Image error: Another version  
> of this
> port (pcre @4.5_0) is already active.
> or
> Error: Deactivating expat 1.95.7_0 failed: Image error: expat  
> @1.95.7_0 not
> installed as an image.
> but in place of expat when i tried to install the php5 directly it  
> gave an
> error about pcre.  I then tried to upgrade all my updated ports  
> using port
> upgrade outdated and some were successful while others got similar  
> errors as
> described above?  What is causing this problem and how do I go  
> about fixing
> it because of of right now my LAMP install is busted and I can't get
> anything accomplished until i resolve the php5 issue.  Any  
> information would
> be greatly appreciated and if I missed providing any important  
> information
> please ask and I will gladly supply it.
> Thanks,
> Evan

I am sorry, if I am wrong, but I understand that you tried to install  
php5 +mysql5 &c while having php5 +mysql4 installed? If you change  
variants, you ought to uninstall first, sorry for that. It is also  
hard to understand, where does pcre @4.5_0 come from.
You could:
- look at what you have installed with 'port installed' (or e.g. port  
installed name:php)
- port clean --all expat (, and pcre and php5)
- uninstall expat, pcre, and php5 (use -f if necessary)
- install them again

What version of port do you have? What operating system are you  
working on? What Xcode version do you have?
! Jyrki Wahlstedt
!	skype:jyrkiwahlstedt
! Our life is no dream; but it ought to become one and perhaps will.
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