Port selfupate crypto lib problem

Chris Pickel sfiera at macports.org
Sun Jun 3 20:38:38 PDT 2007

On 03 Jun, 2007, at 23:06, Thomas Crawley wrote:
> checking for MD5Update in -lmd... yes
> checking md5.h usability... yes
> checking md5.h presence... yes
> checking for md5.h... yes

Alright, so it looks like you're compiling with libmd and missing  
some stuff you need from libcrypto.

> How do I check for libmd ?
> How do I prevent libmd from being used ?

Well, configure checked for libmd and found it. As for how to prevent  
it, you first need to find where it is--probably /usr/local/lib;  
maybe /usr/lib--and rename it temporarily while you compile, i.e. go  
to the directory and

     sudo mv libmd.dylib no-libmd.dylib

...followed by the same command in reverse once you've updated.

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