installing vim with graphical mode
Emmanuel Hainry
ehainry at
Fri Jun 15 06:32:58 PDT 2007
Citando Elias Pipping :
> Hi,
> I did that for multiple reasons.
> First of all, I felt +aqua didn't qualify as a mere variant.
> It's a hack that goes so far, that vim -aqua and vim +aqua
> can be regarded as two different ports.
> For instance, vim +aqua doesn't come with vimdiff, vimtutor,
> etc.
That is not really true: I have installed vim-app and not vim, plus have
made symlinks vim, vimdiff, vimtutor point to
/Applications/Macports/Vim/ and everything
works fine (I propose the creation of those links to be made into a
variant for vim-app, this way, vim +aqua zealots will never have to
install vim ever).
> Even more importantly the vim folder ${prefix}/share/vim/...
> does not come with vim +aqua, instead that folder is located
> at
> /Applications/MacPorts/Vim/
> (iirc)
> So, in comparison, if e.g. the +no_prefix or whatever it's
> called now variant that gnu ports like findutils have, *only*
> installed 'find' (and the like) instead of 'gfind and find',
> it would make depending upon findutils very difficult,
> because there'd never be a path one could be sure 'find' can
> be found at given the port has been installed.
> The same is true for vim +aqua / vim -aqua. There needs to be
> a path the vim folder can be found at, always, no matter what
> variants have been applied.
Do some ports need to know where the vim folder is? Ports like cmake
that provide a .vim syntax file just put it in share... However, once
more, a link would resolve this matter.
> Furthermore, bumping vim is not a problem. The new patches
> apply cleanly. However, with vim-app i.e. there's the macatsui
> variant which consists of a patch that breaks pretty much with
> every new patch. Bumping vim shouldn't be delayed for a variant
> that's only a subvariant of +aqua.
So that is the reason! Good enough for me. And as I am not inclined to
always have the latest version, I will stay with vim-app +links.
> Some people raised the concern that having to install both
> vim and vim-app now, if one wants both a console vim and
> a gvim (although technically, console vim *can* be accessed
> via
> /Applications/MacPorts/Vim/
> ), one'd have to install the vim folder twice, which takes
> up 20MB.
Yep, technically, but it can be made really simpler...
variant links {
post-destroot { system "ln -s
${destroot}${prefix}/vim; ln -s ${destroot}${prefix}/vim
> On the other hand, I have to say I no longer really care. I
> still consider having split up vim into two ports a good
> decision, however, if there's concensus, merging vim-app,
> back in, go ahead - all the ports i maintain are openmaintainer.
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