Problem with DB44 on Intel MacBook Pro

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Jun 24 03:40:17 PDT 2007

On Jun 23, 2007, at 23:52, Steven Rogers wrote:

> I'm setting up several things using MacPorts per this page:
> and I get an error when I get to subversion:
> sudo port install subversion +tools
> Password:
> --->  Building db44 with target all
> Error: Target returned: shell command " cd "/opt/ 
> local/var/db/dports/build/ 
> _opt_local_var_db_dports_sources_rsync.rsync.darwinports.org_dpupdate_ 
> dports_databases_db44/work/db-4.4.20/build_unix" && make all "  
> returned error 2
> [ . . . snip . . . ]
> and there are other comments in the page reporting a similar error.  
> However, when I do:
> port clean db44
> port install db44 +universal +darwin_8
> Then it builds OK. I'm building on an Intel MacBook Pro running  
> 10.4.10  - I don't know MacPorts well enough to tell what's going  
> wrong. Hopefully someone can figure it out.

Well.... if BerkeleyDB (db44) is now installed, then you should be  
able to install Subversion. If not, show us the last few lines of the  
error. (You snipped too much above for us to know what went wrong  
last time.)

It's also possible to skip BerkeleyDB entirely by building first apr- 
util and then subversion with the +no_bdb variant. I do this, and  
recommend it, unless you already know that you really need  
BerkeleyDB, but I suspect you don't.

Also, you do not need to specify "+darwin_8"; that's automatically  
selected for you when you're running Mac OS X 10.4.x.

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