Universal builds?

Holger Rapp HolgerRapp at gmx.net
Mon Mar 5 16:20:12 PST 2007


since i have not found a forum/FAQ entry or something similar on the  
(miniscule) homepage, i post my question on the user list, hopefully  
someone can help me here.

I have a Macbook and i'm trying to get my ports stuff installed  
universal for cross compiling (or rather building fat binaries for  
other systems, so i need universal libs). But darwinport seems to be  
mocking at me:

$ port variants libsdl_gfx-framework
libsdl_gfx-framework has the variants:
$ sudo port uninstall libsdl_gfx-framework
--->  Deactivating libsdl_gfx-framework 2.0.13_0+darwin_8
--->  Uninstalling libsdl_gfx-framework 2.0.13_0+darwin_8
localhost:/opt/local/etc/ports sirver$ sudo port install libsdl_gfx- 
framework +universal
--->  Fetching libsdl_gfx-framework
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for libsdl_gfx-framework
--->  Extracting libsdl_gfx-framework
--->  Configuring libsdl_gfx-framework
--->  Building libsdl_gfx-framework with target -buildstyle  
Deployment -target SDL_gfx
--->  Staging libsdl_gfx-framework into destroot
--->  Installing libsdl_gfx-framework 2.0.13_0+darwin_8
--->  Activating libsdl_gfx-framework 2.0.13_0+darwin_8
--->  Cleaning libsdl_gfx-framework

hu? why wasn't the universal variant build and installed, rather the  
darwin_8? I couldn't find any documentation, i'd really like to know  
what i'm doing wrong?
(this happens with all ports btw, not just this random example picked)

thanks for your help
Holger Rapp

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