How to get rights to edit the wiki (was Re: Trac account problems (was Re: Call for MacPorts documentation/site effort))

Boey Maun Suang boeyms at
Tue May 22 17:03:43 PDT 2007

Hi Jeff,

> --- Boey Maun Suang <boeyms at> wrote:
>> Ah, that's a little different; I'm afraid that the
>> behaviour that you
>> describe is actually what is supposed to happen at
>> present.  In other
>> words... only those who
>> have been granted commit rights can also edit the
>> wiki.
> So, is there a way to apply for these rights?  Or do
> we just wait around for that magical day when the
> policy changes?

You can apply for commit rights as documented at the top of the New  
Committers Guide page on the wiki [1]; if accepted, you will have  
rights to both edit the wiki and to commit to the Subversion  
repository.  I know it's a weird place for that bit to be; I only  
found it because I've learned to look at everything that looks  
remotely connected to what I want to do, and I do want to fix this  
(among other things), but I don't feel like I've thought things  
through enough to be comfortable to do so.

As for changing the policy to allow for wiki-editing-only accounts,  
James Berry has said in another thread that MacPorts would like to  
see this and several more changes happen, but that we have to wait  
until we (and possibly those on other projects hosted on MacOSForge)  
can convince the new MacOSForge admins to change things [2].  Yes,  
them != us :-(  Oh well :-)

Kind regards,

Maun Suang


Boey Maun Suang (Boey is my surname)
Email: boeyms at macports dot org

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