esound won't install

markd at markd at
Thu Sep 13 09:12:20 PDT 2007

Lenore Horner <LenoreHorner at> writes:
>I get the following message.  I have emailed the maintainer and had  
>no response (in 36 hours).
>Does anyone know how to work around this.  I can't install Gimp until  
>this works (as far as I know - Gimp installation keeps hanging here).
>I get this error both as part of the Gimp installation via MacPorts  
>and attempting to install esound alone through MacPorts.
>I'm use OS X 10.4.10 and MacPorts 1.5.
>sudo port install esound
>--->  Building esound with target all
>Error: Target returned: shell command " cd "/opt/ 
>sound/work/esound-0.2.38" && make all " returned error 2
>Command output: make: *** No rule to make target `all'.  Stop.
>Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
>Exit 1

It works for me.  Try 'port clean --all esound' and try it again.  Also
make sure you have done a selfupdate if you haven't done it recently.


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