ncursesw doesn't like to (re)activate

Joshua Root jmr at
Sat May 24 06:57:04 PDT 2008

Rainer Müller wrote:
> Joshua Root wrote:
>> So it looks like the entry in the file map has a different case than 
>> the file itself. I don't know how that could have happened, but 
>> hopefully this narrows the problem down a bit for Anthony.
> Our file_map.db is case-insensitive for paths.
>  From pextlib1.0/filemap.h:
> * filemaps are dictionaries (what Tcl calls arrays) with case 
> unsensitive keys
> * that are file paths and values that are port names.

Aha. So we should probably change uninstall and deactivate to remove all 
the files that case-insensitively match what's in the file_map, instead 
of just one?

- Josh

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