Apple did it again!

Rainer Müller raimue at
Thu May 29 18:20:28 PDT 2008

Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> I don't think I like that hack very much. Wouldn't it be better to  
> write up how to install a 3rd-party launchctl manager which you could  
> use to start and stop all MacPorts-supplied startup services?
There is 'port load/unload' on trunk which basically does this. It is 
just a shorthand for launchctl.

The command
   port load <portname>
   launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.<portname>.plist

'port unload' works accordingly.

This should work for all our ports installing startup items.
Again: this is not in the current release (1.6.0)!


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