Macports X11 damaged?

Gerhard G. ggrubbish at
Tue Apr 7 12:30:14 PDT 2009

Am Dienstag, 7. April 2009 schrieb William Davis:
> On Apr 6, 2009, at 6:11 PM, ggrubbish at wrote:
> port installed X*
> This will give you a list of the "X" programs you installed.  At
> least
> some of these will look like  this:
> > xorg-libX11 @1.2_0+system_x11 (active)
> See the "+system_x11" tag?  For each port (program) with a
> "+system_x11" tag do this:
> sudo port -d deactivate xprogram+system_x11
> where xprogram  equals the name of the program.
> then reinstall each of the programs leaving off the "+system_x11"
> tag, for example
> sudo port -d install xorg-libX11

Thank you very much William! 
Your hints were right, and my macports system is ok again. All 
+system_x11 variants (also the line in variants.conf) are deactivated 
and reinstalled. I used grep and awk to get a script to do so according 
your description.

I thank also Jeremy Huddleston to shed some light on the macports 
system. I use macports on Tiger 10.4.11 PPC, and if I gonna switch to 
leopard I'll try his propoasal to install macports with the Xquartz 
Server from apple. I think that is not an option for me with tiger.

xdvi etc. are working again, but xpdf gives new error messages (but no 
longer X related.):

:~]$ > xpdf &
[1] 18214
:~]$ > Error: No paper information available - using defaults
Error: No display font for 'Courier'
Error: No display font for 'Courier-Bold'
Error: No display font for 'Courier-BoldOblique'
Error: No display font for 'Courier-Oblique'
Error: No display font for 'Helvetica'
Error: No display font for 'Helvetica-Bold'
Error: No display font for 'Helvetica-BoldOblique'
Error: No display font for 'Helvetica-Oblique'
Error: No display font for 'Symbol'
Error: No display font for 'Times-Bold'
Error: No display font for 'Times-BoldItalic'
Error: No display font for 'Times-Italic'
Error: No display font for 'Times-Roman'
Error: No display font for 'ZapfDingbats'
Error: Couldn't find per display information

[1]+  Exit 1                  xpdf

I'm using from apple as an xserver, because startx doesn't work:

xinit:  No such file or directory (errno 2):  no 
server "/opt/local/bin/X" in PATH

Is this as expected?

Thank you!

Kind regards


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