Building subversion 1.6.0 fails on OSX 10.4.11

Matthias Baas matthias.baas at
Tue Mar 31 15:06:44 PDT 2009

Daniel J. Luke wrote:
> On Mar 31, 2009, at 3:26 PM, Matthias Baas wrote:
>> I have subversion 1.4.2_0 installed and wanted to upgrade it to 
>> v1.6.0. The dependencies all installed fine but subversion itself 
>> doesn't build for me on OSX 10.4.11 (see below output).
> This is bug #18937
> The workaround is to uninstall subversion and install the new version 
> (unfortunately, the build process on 10.4 seems to find the old, already 
> installed, subversion libraries and gets confused).

The workaround did work! Thanks!

> If you (or anyone else) figures out a better workaround that can be 
> incorporated into the port, I would be happy to add it.

Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the build process in MacPorts, so I 
can't be of any help here. Sorry.

- Matthias -

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