KDE4 mess on Snow Leopard

Dominik Reichardt domiman at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 19:39:11 PDT 2009

Am 21.09.2009 um 17:25 schrieb Ryan Schmidt:

> /opt/local/var/macports/build/ 
> _opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_kde_kdebase4 
> -runtime/work/kdebase-runtime-4.3.0/kpasswdserver/kpasswdserver.h: 
> 28:32: error: Qt3Support/Q3PtrList: No such file or directory
> As such, this is:
> http://trac.macports.org/ticket/20362

ok, after I got confused in this ticket about -cocoa or +cocoa (and  
tried building both but failed with +cocoa), I found this closed  
ticket http://trac.macports.org/ticket/21448 and have now given up...

If I understand #21448 right, there is currently NO way on Snow  
Leopard to finish building anything that depends on QT4-mac with qt3  
support (thus for KDE4 everything that depends kdebase4-runtime). And  
quickly searching I hit https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=201617  
and that doesn't look promising at all.

This is very frustrating to have to navigate all the hacks that are  
needed for the other dependancies and then to ultimately fail on the  
last step.

So maybe someone with the power to be can update http://trac.macports.org/wiki/snc/snowleopard 
  and http://trac.macports.org/wiki/SnowLeopardProblems with that  
information (I don't dare to do this since I'm new here and don't want  
to disrupt any workflow) so others don't have to go through this as  
well :)

Thanks for the help


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