help with installing/updating "gettext" & other files in 64-bit snow leopard architecture

Scott Webster sewebster at
Wed Aug 4 23:18:25 PDT 2010

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 11:05 PM, Faddah Steve Yuetsu Wolf <my_biz at> wrote:
> thanx for the advisement, and i'll take that into consideration, but as i
> said in my original e-mail, all i did was download the MacPorts 1.9.1 pkg
> install on the *.dmg file off your MacPorts site and run it. i didn't change
> any settings in the macports.conf file, i have not installed a previous
> version of MacPorts or its expat before today, and i know of know other
> applications that installed and "i386" expat on my machine or on previous
> machines i've had (they may have, but before i came across it in MacPorts,
> i'd never heard of the "expat" before). so i don't know what to tell you

So you shouldn't have any ports installed?  What is the output of
"port installed"?


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