Problem Installing Macports and Tsocks on OS-X 10.6.2

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Tue Jan 19 16:01:00 PST 2010

On Jan 19, 2010, at 17:37, Caron Schaller wrote:

> I tried it the second way and it successfully found the directory. But there is yet again another problem. Sorry for being such a pain.
> This is what happened:
> #b00mc1ap:~ caron_schaller$ tsocks /Users/caron_schaller/Library/C\#\ Encoder/C\#etc/\ of\ #Warcraft/World\ of\\ of\ Warcraft 
> #dyld: could not load inserted library: /opt/local/lib/libtsocks.dylib
> #Trace/BPT trap
> #b00mc1ap:~ caron_schaller$ 
> Sorry about all the problems,

All I get when I try to use tsocks is a segmentation fault. Please file a ticket in the issue tracker. Unfortunately the upstream homepage for tsocks no longer exists and the MacPorts maintainer of tsocks isn't responding to his existing tickets either.

The install_name for libtsocks.dylib is definitely wrong. Maybe that's all that needs to be fixed.

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