confusing 'port echo' output

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat Jan 30 00:34:31 PST 2010

On Jan 30, 2010, at 01:16, Pavel Hlavnicka wrote:

> -----------------
> port echo installed and name:^apache2$
> gives me
> apache2                        @2.2.14_0+darwin+openldap+preforkmpm
> -----------------
> but
> -----------------
> port echo installed and name:^apache2$

I assume here you mean "port echo apache2"

> gives me
> apache2
> -----------------
> so for some reason when "installed" pseudo port name is used the
> output contains the version and variant installed... is there any
> reason for this? I would expect to get port names only in both cases.
> Is it possible I have found something what might be called a bug? ;)

The current behavior is correct, if admittedly perhaps not totally expected. I'll leave it to someone else to explain why it works the way it does.

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