gross error

John B Brown jbb at
Fri Jul 2 17:12:40 PDT 2010

On 7/2/10 12:13 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
 > On Jul 2, 2010, at 11:18, John B Brown wrote:
 >> Error: /opt/local/bin/port: Failed to initialize MacPorts, error 
reading "file6": illegal operation on a directory
 >> 	Recently I've had to reinstall from the install disc. All personal 
data survived, but this is wrong. What fixes this result?
 > Did you already try reinstalling MacPorts, e.g. by downloading the 
1.9.1 disk image and running the installer package thereon?

	So, after reinstalling the install disc OS, and X11, Xcode and other 
apps from the install disc, I installed MacOSXUpdCombo10.6.2.dmg and 
'Xcode 3.2.2' and 'Xcode 3.2.2 and iPhoneSDK 3.2.2', using disc images 
downloaded from

	Then I tried to uninstall MacPorts following the 2.5. Uninstall directions. UGH!

jbb at pinball3:~
(16): % sudo port -f uninstall installed
error reading "file6": illegal operation on a directory
     while executing
"read $fd"
     (procedure "_mports_load_quickindex" line 27)
     invoked from within
     (procedure "mportinit" line 522)
     invoked from within
"mportinit ui_options global_options global_variations"
Error: /opt/local/bin/port: Failed to initialize MacPorts, error reading 
"file6": illegal operation on a directory
jbb at pinball3:~
(17): %

	Might I now wipe that /opt/local tree? Should I have wiped the /opt/X11 
tree before doing any of this? They were both installed when Mac OS X 
10.6.4 was running. Am I truly screwed?


	John B. Brown.
	[jbb at]
	358 High Street,
	Buffalo, Wyoming

"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include
the freedom to make mistakes"  Mahatma Gandhi
"If any question why we died, tell them,
because our fathers lied."  Rudyard Kipling
"A man who does not know the truth is just an idiot
but a man who knows the truth and calls it a lie
is a crook."  Bertolt Brecht
"I wonder whether the world is being run
by smart people who are putting us on
or by imbeciles who really mean it."  Mark Twain


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