gross error

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed Jul 7 15:18:44 PDT 2010

On Jul 2, 2010, at 19:12, John B Brown wrote:

> 	So, after reinstalling the install disc OS, and X11, Xcode and other apps from the install disc, I installed MacOSXUpdCombo10.6.2.dmg

Why not 10.6.4?

> and 'Xcode 3.2.2' and 'Xcode 3.2.2 and iPhoneSDK 3.2.2'

You really only need one or the other, depending on whether you want to do iPhone development or not.

> using disc images downloaded from
> 	Then I tried to uninstall MacPorts following the 2.5. Uninstall directions. UGH!
> jbb at pinball3:~
> (16): % sudo port -f uninstall installed
> error reading "file6": illegal operation on a directory

> 	Might I now wipe that /opt/local tree? Should I have wiped the /opt/X11 tree before doing any of this? They were both installed when Mac OS X 10.6.4 was running. Am I truly screwed?

What is /opt/X11? Is that Xquartz? I know it's not part of Mac OS X or MacPorts.

The Guide says "If you need to uninstall MacPorts, **and your port command is functioning**, first uninstall all the installed ports" (emphasis mine). Since your port command is not functioning, you can proceed to the subsequent steps ("save your configuration files (most are in ${prefix}/etc), databases, or any other unique data by moving it aside" and "To remove all remaining traces of MacPorts, run the following command").

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