Recompiling a macport (hopefully a simple question)

Scott Webster sewebster at
Wed Jul 28 20:28:40 PDT 2010

You can run all the phases of the installation process separately, see
the port man page.  Macports does however try to "guess" what is best
to do, so it will run all required previous phases for you.  In this
case after you edit the file you would want to run "sudo port install
portname".  However, it could be that macports will be "confused"
about your intentions, decide that the port is already installed, and
do nothing.  In this case, something that likely WOULD work would be
to uninstall the port, then just get up to the configure phase (sudo
port configure portname) then make your edit, then install it.

I'm just coming up with this from memory, but hopefully you get the
idea.  One problem is that any time to port is upgraded you will lose
your modification.  You might want to look into using a local
repository where you control your special port yourself.  This is
covered in the guide.


On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 5:08 PM, Brooks Swinnerton
<bswinnerton at> wrote:
> I have what I hope to be a simple question. I'm trying to install
> dsniff-devel on my 10.6 box. The problem is that in order to have dsniff use
> the correct interface, you must manually change a C file called arp.c. I've
> found the file in: /opt/local/var/macports/build/
> _opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_net_dsniff/work/dsniff-2.3/
> My question is this, I've edited that file, but now how to I recompile the
> port, using that file?
> Thanks!
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