Upgrade ffmpeg 0.6_0 problem

tome at QX.Net tome at QX.Net
Sat Jul 31 06:33:35 PDT 2010

>> I have sent the original email again as a means of distinguishing the difference between the error message before deactivating ffmpeg and after 
>> deactivating ffmpeg.  The files were exactly the same, except as noted:
>After deactivating the old ffmpeg, did you clean ffmpeg before attempting to build the new ffmpeg? If not, please do that.

I did clean after deactivating.  I even went so far as to uninstall the old version and clean the new version and start from scratch.  Received the same 
messages as after deactivating.  I am sitting here now with no ffmpeg on my machine, but all the dependents are still here.  Thanks for your help.

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