NumPy, SciPy, universal builds, and default fortran compiler for scientific ports

Adam Mercer ram at
Wed Jun 16 11:37:04 PDT 2010

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 12:09, vincent habchi <vince at> wrote:


> - Further testing, especially on the new i7 machines: gcc43 seems to be incompatible, gcc45 seems to work, but gcc44 behavior is unknown to me at this time;
> - Maintainer's approval :)

I believe this i7 incompatiblity was the reason for ATLAS to use gcc44
instead of gcc43, but testing is important.

> PS : If gcc44 code is also incompatible with the i7 machines, we should maybe go a step further and adopt gcc45 for scientific packages…

gcc45 is still at 4.5.0, so if gcc45 is chosen it would probably be
better waiting till at least 4.5.1.



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