port installation time

Bradley Giesbrecht brad at pixilla.com
Tue Mar 2 06:36:54 PST 2010

On Mar 2, 2010, at 4:05 AM, syed zubair wrote:

> I installed macports and then issued the command for verbose  
> installation of
> geany 0.18 (devel).
> The process has not finished after over 7 hours and I have no idea  
> how much
> longer it is going take.
> Is there something wrong or it is normal? Helpful comments requested.
> Greetings

If you did not already have macports pyhthon26 installed your building  
python as well.

Since you have a clean macports install you are probably building a  
long dependency chain.

At trac.macports.org the only open ticket I found for geany is this  
one and it does not related to building and installing geany.


If your build fails please file a ticket on trac.macports.org.

Thank you,

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