Problems with gnuplot from marcports

Jean-Francois Gobin jf at
Wed Jan 5 08:55:30 PST 2011


Could you try loading the script using the full path?


On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Marcelo Chiapparini <
marcelo.chiapparini at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've just bought a new iMac, running OS X 10.6. I am using it at home. In
> order to maintain compatibility with files created at work, under Linux, I
> want to install gnuplot on my Imac. So, I am using MacPorts, which I've
> found a very helpful and clever project (thank you guys!).
> So, I followed the instructions from the MacPorts site, and installed
> macports, xcode (the latest version available) and gnuplot. Everything went
> fine. Gnuplot works well from the command line. The problems appears when I
> try to load and script. When I call gnuplot from the directory of the
> scritp, I get the following:
> Yggdrasill2:cbpf marcelo$ gnuplot
> G N U P L O T
> Version 4.4 patchlevel 2
>  last modified Wed Sep 22 12:10:34 PDT 2010
> System: Darwin 10.5.0
>  Copyright (C) 1986-1993, 1998, 2004, 2007-2010
> Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others
> gnuplot home:
> faq, bugs, etc:   type "help seeking-assistance"
>  immediate help:   type "help"
> plot window:      hit 'h'
> Terminal type set to 'aqua'
> gnuplot> load "qhdmmint.gplt"
>                              ^
>          Cannot open load file 'qhdmmint.gplt'
>          util.c: No such file or directory
> The file qhdmmint.gplt is in the directory from which I called gnuplot, so
> I don't understand the error... I've googled the internet, with no success.
> Any help will be very welcome,
> Regards
> Marcelo
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