I need consultation on running WINE on the Mac

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Tue Oct 16 04:00:51 PDT 2012

> I know this is not a MacPorts issue, so please direct this to somewhere that makes sense.....
> Basically, I'm a total newbee when it comes to RAW WINE. I've historically used Codeweavers Crossover which is Wine 1.4.1
> Which is packaged to run quite nicely under Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
> I play LOTRO, which just did a major upgrade, and therefore no longer runs under 1.4.1
> WINEhq has a fix which requires WINE 1.1.15. 
> However, the folks there are al LINUX types.
> SO..... I just installed MacPorts wine-dev 1.5.15 and now I need to do two things. (That I know of.)
> 1- Find out how to apply the patch (which I believe is a classic diff file)-- I have no idea how badly that will break the MacPorts installation.

I've just applied it to the wine-crossover port. Seems to work fine.

> 2- Find out how to configure "raw WINE"  on the mac. In particular how to point it to the existing Crossover WINE Bottles.
> Pointers to appropriate OSX oriented instructions are desired.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.

After installing wine-crossover, all you should need to run is (all one
line, ignore any line breaks inserted by email software):

Support/CrossOver/Bottles/Lord of the Rings Online" wine
~/Library/Application\ Support/CrossOver/Bottles/Lord\ of\ the\ Rings\
Online/drive_c/Program\ Files/PyLotRO/pylotro.exe

- Josh

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