anything in MacPorts to repair JPEG images?

Jim Graham spooky130u at
Tue Sep 25 10:22:14 PDT 2012

On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 12:39:14PM +0100, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:

> If i'm not mistaken, ImageMagick can repair photos and other image
> formats. It's very powerful. There are lots of tools with it and also
> people have written a number of scripts that are available online that
> do all sorts of things with images. It's commandline-based, you'll need
> to read a lot on thier site to get used to it but it's worth it, not
> just for your current problem but for future use as well.

I forgot this, but it seems I'd already installed ImageMagick, so I ran
"identify -verbose dscn1950.jpg" per a forum answer on repairing jpegs,
and after a LONG list of routine data, got the following at the end:

   Version: ImageMagick 6.7.9-0 2012-08-20 Q16
   identify: Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment `dscn1950.jpg'
   @ warning/jpeg.c/JPEGWarningHandler/346.
   identify: Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers `dscn1950.jpg' @

At this point, does anyone have any suggestions?  Or is this ImageMagick
telling me that it's basically a loss?  (Again, not a major loss, but
I'd still like to recover them IF possible.)


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