problem with ImageMagick 6.8.6-6 (no delegates found)

Artemio González López artemiog at
Sat Aug 17 10:27:46 PDT 2013

On Aug 17, 2013, at 1:08 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:

> On Aug 17, 2013, at 06:03, Artemio González López wrote:
>> Thanks a lot for your help. I am pretty sure the problem is not related to the OS, since I have three other computers running 10.9 DP5 in which ImageMagick works flawlessly.
> Ok, that's good to know.
> Perhaps there is a missing dependency that I forgot to add to the port, which happened to already be installed on your other computers but not this one. You could check what libraries ImageMagick is linked to on a computer where ImageMagick works and the one where it doesn't and see if there are any differences.
> Here's a command you could run on each computer:
> port -q contents ImageMagick | xargs otool -L | grep -v "not an object" | tee output.txt
> Then diff the two "output.txt" files and let me know about any differences.

Hi, Ryan,

I am attaching the diff file created by the command "diff output output-broken.txt > diffs.ttx", where output-broken.txt is the output file from your command executed in the computer having the problem (and, obviously, output.txt is the same thing in one of the computers where ImageMagick is working correctly).
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Thanks  alot for your help,


Artemio Gonzalez Lopez
artemiog at

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