any good audio/video editing apps in macports?

Jan Stary hans at
Sun Feb 24 08:14:30 PST 2013

On Feb 24 08:23:36, spooky130u at wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 03:01:36PM +0100, Jan Stary wrote:
> > On Feb 24 07:24:15, spooky130u at wrote:
> > > This one had a pkg file, so
> > > I just double-clicked on it.  It then asked me which drive to install it
> > > on---either my main hard drive or eiither of two others.
> > > I picked the Mac OS X disk, and it said it couldn't install to that drive
> > > because it required at least Mac OS X 10.8.
> > 
> > Which you do have.
> Do I?  "About This Mac" tells me I have "Mac OS X Version 10.7.5".  I
> didn't know that they were the same.  ;-}

Please excuse my weary eyes.

Anyway, what exactly did

	sudo port -b install kdenlive


> > Why would an install try to UNinstall stuff?
> You're asking ME?  I'm the one confused by why all of this crap is going
> on with what should be a simple "port install kdenlive" (as root).
> > How exactly are you running this 'install'?
> port install kdenlive (again, as root)
> > > --->    kdenlive @0.9.4_0
> > >       Warning: Uninstall forced.  Proceeding despite dependencies.
> > 
> > What? So you _do_ have kdenlive installed?
> Which is what I thought, too.  And yes, I was right---it SAID it was
> uninstalling it, but it didn't.  It just didn't install the .app itself.
> I was writing all of that up as a new post before I even saw this one.

> "drkonqi quit unexpectedly" which then takes kdenlive down.  But at the
> time you posted this, I was typing that in a new post.

drkonqi seems to be a KDE4 process that is somehow problematic:

> > Know your tools. A first step might be
> > sudo port content kdenlive | grep bin
> No need for root to run this (otherwise I'd run it from a different
> xterm, where I am currently logged in as root to work on this).  The
> port command above runs just fine as me (as do all of the ones that
> don't actually build or install something).
>       (8:17) % port content kdenlive | grep bin
>       zsh: done       port content kdenlive | 
>       zsh: exit 1     grep bin
>       (8:17) % 

> Yep, that was helpful.

Indeed: your kdenlive installation does not contain anything
with "bin" in its path.

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