How to activate an older version of a port

Jamie Griffin jamie at
Thu Jan 17 00:07:35 PST 2013

* Brandon Allbery <allbery.b at> [2013-01-16 12:32:09 -0500]:

> On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 3:21 AM, Jamie Paul Griffin <jamie at> wrote:
> > I installed mutt devel myself into /usr/local, rather than using
> > Macports, I don't recall the reasons why; I haven't experienced any
> > problems so far but is it likely, then, that I will?
> >
> I don't think very much requires mutt as a build dependency, so you will
> *probably* be ok.  unless you also installed some of its build dependencies
> there, in which case you may already have a tangled mess that will break if
> the MacPorts versions of those dependencies are updated incompatibly and
> some MacPorts install requires them.

Hi Brandon, the only library I installed for it was tokyocabinet -
so just one. Luckily, since I installed mutt I haven't installed
or updated any Macports so I should be able to clear it out and
perhaps reinstall with Macports. I believe Maports' version of mutt
has tokyocabinet variant with it, which is all I need.

I'm glad I saw this thread and asked, even though it's documented
I didn't think it would cause so much of a problem. So thanks for
confirming that for me.


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