Howto enable gd for PHP 5.3.28

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Feb 9 20:10:04 PST 2014

On Feb 9, 2014, at 21:35, Tim Johnson <tim at> wrote:

> * Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> [140209 17:45]:
> <...> 
>> Ok, so you have MacPorts apache2 installed. Still, that doesn’t tell me whether that’s the apache you’re using.
> I believe I am using the Apple apache
> So .... 
> 1)I have to configure the config at 
>   /opt/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
>   I can do that.
> 2)I have to stop apple-httpd from auto-starting
>   ---
>   how? I think I need to find the plist file and remove it.

Open System Preferences, go to Sharing, uncheck the box next to Web Sharing. That is, if you’re using an older version of OS X. If you’re using a newer version of OS X, the setting has been removed by Apple, and you’ll have to find out the name of the plist, and unload it using launchctl. Removing the plist file is not something I would recommend doing; it is a part of Apple’s system software which you should not modify. Removing the plist will not stop the services it controls.

>   ---
> 3)I have to start the mac-httpd as an auto-starting daemon.
>   Am I correct regarding the following command?
>   sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.apache2.plist

Or as a shortcut for that command:

sudo port load apache2

Similarly with unload.

>   and to abitrarily start or restart  
>   sudo /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -k start
>   sudo /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -k restart

I do not recommend using apachectl when your apache has been started with launchd, unless you understand exactly what it does. One of the features of launchd is to restart a process if it “unexpectedly” quits. Using "apachectl stop” would be viewed by launchd as an unexpected quit, and it would promptly restart it for you. Therefore, you could use “apachectl stop” if your intention is to restart apache. If your intention is to start or stop it, use launchctl or the port load/unload shortcut.

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