building kde4-baseapps (10.6.8)

Nicolas Pavillon nicos at
Sun Mar 2 02:02:08 PST 2014


Kde4-baseapps should build fine in standard configuration, also in the case of Snow Leopard. However, your build log is partial, so that it is not easy to be precise. One thing is that you are not using the standard compiler (gcc-mp-4.7) so that you may encounter other errors, but I don’t know which one would be the standard compiler in your case due to the partial log. As you are experiencing errors, it could be worth the shot to use the standard one.

I came up similar errors in some cases (but not this particular one), where symbols are not recognised for some weird reason. A workaround can be to statically link these symbols by including the object file directly in the executable (there is a case like that in the kde4-baseapps Portfile). 

In the case you still encounter errors, the best would probably to file a ticket, with a full log of the build failure.



On Feb23, 2014, at 2:59, René J.V. Bertin <rjvbertin at> wrote:

> I'd be interested to run certain KDE apps on my MBP, so I'm trying to install KDE. Apart from some doubts as to whether the services which I'm told to launch via launchctl will actually work (I'm used to seeing errors concerning dbus not being available) the install has gone without hickups until I came to the kde4-baseapps. The build fails on Dolphin, with the compiled code for the Panel class apparently not being available when linking: see the attached build log. As you can see at , the class (panel/panel.cpp) is built and included in libkdeinit4_dolphin.dylib, and as far as I understand from nm's output everything is indeed there in that dylib.
> I'm a bit stuck on this one, ideas?
> Build log:
> René
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