MacPorts Statistics (was Re: usage numbers for macports vs. homebrew?)

Craig Treleaven ctreleaven at
Wed Mar 19 17:24:19 PDT 2014

At 5:49 PM -0400 3/19/14, Eric Gallager wrote:
>On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 4:16 PM, Clemens Lang 
><<mailto:cal at>cal at> wrote:
>  > What is the user
>>  wants to get rid of MacPorts and deletes
>>  /opt/local/*.  My experience is that launchd will
>>  _never_ stop trying to run the missing job and
>>  will spam the Console log with complaints about
>>  it.
>The files installed by MacPorts in /Library/LaunchDaemons are 
>usually symlinks. If you nuke /opt/local, launchd won't be able to 
>find the plist and can't run the job. I don't know whether that 
>leaves any log messages.
>Depends on whether the job is marked as "Keep Alive" and is still 
>running. If this is the case, and its process is killed, when it 
>tries to respawn itself, it will leave log messages like this:
>launchctl: Couldn't 
>No such file or directory
>nothing found to load
>  > Do we have a sample statistics page for a port/all ports?

Even a weekly launchd job (user agent) will generate a lot of spam--I 
did it to myself.  A long time ago, I created and loaded a simple 
test job to try to understand the launchd parameters better.  When 
done, I _thought_ I unloaded it and deleted everything.  Some time 
later, I noticed the following line being repeated in the system log 
every minute:

14-03-19 8:10:27 PM	org.ctreleaven.testjunk2[1856]	Ignore me 

I've tried various incantations with launchd to get it to shut up but 
the best I can do is remove it for the current login session (with 
'launchd remove org.ctreleaven.testjunk2').  Next login, it's back. 
It doesn't really hurt anything; it just bugs me.

I suppose for the case I've outlined, we would just tell the user to 
re-install MacPorts and then uninstall it properly to rid them of 
such a zombie.


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