Installing Metis V4

Sean Farley sean at
Thu Oct 23 12:21:34 PDT 2014

Jeremy Lavergne writes:

> It seems parmetis is still version 4.0.3.

Unfortunately, parmetis is not the same as metis. George decided to keep
two separate projects. I have done the leg work to make parmetis depend
on metis.

> On Oct 23, 2014, at 10:01 AM, L.Bryce Whitson Jr. wrote:
>> I have a need to install Metis V4 for a project that I am working on right
>> now. I notice that the Metis in Macports is V5 and unfortunately the code I
>> have won't compile under V5. Is there an easy way to install V4 using the
>> Macports infrastructure?

The upgrade isn't that bad, actually. Which project is this? If it's a C
project, you can look at the SuiteSparse port to see how I patched it to
work with metis 5.x. If it's fortran, take a look at mumps.

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