Problems with kdepim4

Fernando Rodriguez frodriguez.developer at
Mon May 25 15:14:04 PDT 2015

On Tuesday, May 26, 2015 02:53:08 AM René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> On Monday May 25 2015 18:27:24 Fernando Rodriguez wrote:
> > have to set a password and then change it to a blank one. But as soon as I
> > installed the +osxkeychain variant and restarted akonadi it asked me to
> > setup a password for the keychain, I choose "letmein" and now every time
> > I login it ask me for it
> This is probably inevitable, unless you let KDE use your default ("login")
> keychain which gets unlocked when you log in (unless you configured it
> otherwise).
> > Now I'm looking for the keychain on the Keychain Access utility
> > and I can't find it. So I installed the kwallet package (kwalletd is part
> > of some other package) and on kwalletmanager I see that it's using the
> > "login"
> Since you have kwalletmanager installed: in the Preferences of that
> application (kwalletmanager/Preferences or Settings/Configure Wallet)
> you'll find the option to define which keychain to use through a dropdown
> menu, and a button to create a new wallet. The default name is "kdewallet".
> It's been a while since I tested this, but I recall that there was a bug
> somewhere: newly created keychains do not (always) show up in the Keychain
> Access Utility in OS X 10.9 and probably newer versions too. That's not a
> bug in KDE, the Keychain API hasn't changed since OS X 10.6 (where
> everything worked fine). I think that you have to use the "Add Keychain..."
> command (in Keychain Access's File menu). This will open a file dialog that
> should show you the contents of ~/Library/Keychains, in which you'll find
> the wallet keychain you created. After you do that, you can configure the
> keychain like any other.
> R.

Nice! Thank you. The preferences on kwallet was showing the login wallet as 
the default. I followed your advice to add the keychain to the Keychain Access 
utility, then went back to kwalletmanager and changed the default to 
kdewallet, saved it and changed it back to login, then I deleted all KDE 
settings folders on my home directory and setup all the kdepim apps again and 
now everything is good.

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