QGIS and GRASS 7.4.0

Vincent Habchi vince at macports.org
Fri Feb 16 21:28:00 UTC 2018

> It looks like the QGIS port needs an update. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qgis/QGIS/final-2_18_16/ChangeLog indicates that 2.18.14 (the current port version) was released 2017-10-27 but grass74 support didn't get done until 2017-11-18.
> I have found that opening tickets for updates to existing ports is useful for getting updates done.

I apologise because I sort of put QGIS aside while concentrating on the QGIS 3 port, which should be released any day now. I’m afraid I took the opportunity of jumping to QGIS 3 to remove all legacy software that I had to leave installed because of QGIS 2, such as Qt4 and Python 2.7, because I have a very small SSD on my MacBook Air, and having both Qt4 and Qt5 alongside consumed a lot of space.

I think I still have another machine with QGIS/Python 2/QT 4 installed, but unfortunately I’m just about to begin a week long holiday and won’t have that machine at hand before I return next week. So if that can wait that long…

I apologise for the inconvenience.


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