10.5 Leopard and 64bit support

Riccardo Mottola riccardo.mottola at libero.it
Thu Jun 20 19:26:57 UTC 2019


Riccardo Mottola via macports-users wrote:
> Now, clearly 10.5 has 64bit support, however, freshly booted and 
> installed, I notice that all processes (by Apple) are running in 32bit 
> mode.
> How will MacPorts install? I fear everything in 32bit. Or is it smart= 
> How can I build 64bit apps? Do I need to enable the universal variants 
> of clang and gcc, like I did on 10.6 do compile 32bit versions? 

I just thought - maybe universal does the trick! but if I do

port install clang-3.9 +universal

it tells me that 'i386 ppc' is not allowed, because only 'i386 x86_64' 
is allowed. 10.5 actually supports super-fat_ i38 x86_64 and ppc (and 


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