GIMP Quartz broken on 10.7, perhaps gtk

Riccardo Mottola riccardo.mottola at
Thu Jan 12 09:42:58 UTC 2023


I did further tests here.
In my local repository I pinned also a previous version of pango and pang-devel, but had difficulties "upgarding" to a previous version, how can it be done cleanly?

Then I thought of just activating some previous versions… I had a bit mess here and there when rev-upgrade , so I also set back librsvg.

The following ports are currently installed:
  pango @1.42.4_3+quartz+x11 (active)
  pango @1.50.7_0+quartz+x11

The following ports are currently installed:
  harfbuzz @2.8.2_0
  harfbuzz @3.4.0_0 (active)
  harfbuzz @5.2.0_0
  harfbuzz @5.3.1_0

The following ports are currently installed:
  librsvg @2.40.20_4+quartz (active)
  librsvg @2.54.5_0

I don't remember if I had to touch other stuff… how can I now? Is port installed enough?

port list outdated
Warning: The 'list' action only shows the currently available version of each port. To see installed versions, use the 'installed' action.
emacs-app                      @28.2           editors/emacs
librsvg                        @2.54.5         graphics/librsvg
pango                          @1.50.3         x11/pango
pango                          @1.50.7         x11/pango

emacs-app cannot be upgraded. harfbuzz here is not shown… So I don't think it is perfect.

Anyway… I would think that the issue is between pango, harfbuzz and librsvg! Since then recompiling current gimp… has a perfectly working gimp! yay! 


PS: suppose if I have pango and harfbuzz in my local port tree. I want to test with current harfbuzz. How can I "hide" it, but keeping the rest of the local port? Rename the directory? put a command in the portfile… or move the port directory away to be in case put in back.

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