Using port command to see installation method

Craig Treleaven ctreleaven at
Tue Aug 20 19:39:06 UTC 2024

> On Aug 20, 2024, at 11:56 AM, Nate Ijams via macports-users <macports-users at> wrote:
> Hello, all. I have struggled to find relevant documentation for this, and I hope I haven't just missed something obvious. I have installed some packages using the binaries available online, but I have also installed a number using the `-s` flag to ensure that they are installed from source.
> Is there any way to determine whether a package was installed from source or binary besides manually going through folders in /opt/local?

Could you explain why you are concerned about source v. binary?  MacPorts does take some considerable efforts to try to ensure 1) that the we comply with package licensing and 2) that end result is the same whether built by the project or locally:


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