Recently added port source was removed

Austin Ziegler halostatue at
Wed Jul 24 20:33:58 UTC 2024

The recently added (June 1) port `just-fast` was formerly at, which now is 404.

There appears to be no replacement or reason given for its disappearance.
This could be that the repo was made private or deleted, but the wayback
machine only records the repo as late as 2022, before issue 16 mentioned in
the Portfile (noting that arm64 was broken, which is why I started looking
at this).

I’d open a ticket, but I’m not really sure what exactly I’d be reporting
(broken arm64 is known, but now there appears to be no way to possibly
*fix* the issue without a source repo).

Austin Ziegler • halostatue at gmail.comaustin at
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