Using macports 2.6.2 on a powerbook G4 1.33GHz and Leopard 10.5.8 ppc

Gerhard Gaussling ggrubbish at
Tue Mar 10 15:42:33 UTC 2020

Hi, thank you Ken.

I don't know where to start. Maybe someone can me point into the right direction, and give me some hints, how to apply patches (because I already did, but they didn't work). Also I don't know how I can integrate your special old-mac repository the right way, because, as I mentioned, I didn't use macports for several years.

Also, I don't understand, if your patches will go e.g. into 2.6.3, and therefore waiting would be an option too (or not?).  

Gesendet: Montag, 09. März 2020 um 22:37 Uhr
Von: "Ken Cunningham" <ken.cunningham.webuse at>
An: macports-users at
Betreff: Re: Using macports 2.6.2 on a powerbook G4 1.33GHz and Leopard 10.5.8 ppc
This will fix libgcc7, I believe, but I have to test it formally first:


I have fixed python38 (twice, sigh), but the current fix looks robust and should make it through once it is properly vetted by the maintainer:


and then you're pretty much good to go.

I do maintain a shadow repo of ports that I have fixed for Leopard that are not yet into the main MacPorts repo that you can look at / use / make fun of / trash as you see fit :>


Your Leopard machine (PPC or intel) is quite well supported, in a non-official-fashion, with MacPorts, as are almost all macOS systems. Bring all your friends!



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